Last Friday, we had our Good Friday holiday so we had a long weekend off from work. So, here's how my weekend went...
Thurday night after putting Dylan to sleep, I finally watch Benjamin Button that has been sitting on top of my tv for the last 2 weeks. Loved the movie, SO SEDIH! Especially the part right at the end where the baby closed his eyes... HUAAAAAAHHHH! Thank god Hubby was downstairs watching tv, if not kena kasi malu lagi ikikikik...
anyway after drying my tears, I went downstairs to watch astro with Hubby. Its been awhile since we actually cuddled together to watch tv, so it was a treat. We watched 'WIPEOUT' and it was HILLARIOUS!!! Dont know if you've ever watched it but its an obstacle course game type program where the winner stands to win USD50k.
Friday morning, Hubby, Dylan and I went for Kon Lau Ikan breakfast with MIL and SIL in Sunny Garden. Then lepak at home for a little while before going to my parents house in Likas. Dylan took a nap so me and Hubby went to get the car washed. Then went to St Simon for mass. Tapao food the went home. At night after Dylan went to sleep. I went for drinks at The Loft with my boss and colleagues and two friends visiting from Singapore, Sol Foo and Vika.
Saturday morning and afternoon just stayed home and played with Dylan coz Hubby had to work. Showed Dylan some online baby games on
Fisher-Price website so he was happilly banging away on my pc keyboard. Went for karaoke, drinks and pool at Le Face with my friends and colleagues. Tried to sing, but damn my voice didnt want to join the fun. Was croacking by the end of it ahahahha...
Sunday went for dim sum at our favorite place called SeaPark in Bornion. Will post some pics next time I go there ekekek... went home, all 3 of us took a nap. Then Dylan woke up so we played somemore. He is walking all by himself by now... here's a very short video of him walking...
After that he walked to my brother's room, knocked the door then when my brother open it he would quickly walk away laughing. Wished i had that on video ahahahah!
In the afternoon, went out with Mom, Dad and Dylan to Wawasan Plaza coz Dad wanted to get some new pants. Went to dinner then waited for Hubby who went to entertain some clients before going back to Menggatal.
That was my Easter weekend, how about yours?